Posts Tagged ‘2007’

PowerPoint 2007 Animating Text, Smart Art and Charts

24 Dec

This presentation illustrates animation of text, Smart Art and Charts. I also briefly discuss a problem and a solution at the end of the presentation. The Pr…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In this tutorial, I show you how to animate text, and make it bend around and move in your video. This is good for cinematics and just all-around clips. If y…


1.14 PowerPoint 2007: Animation with Objects, Text, and Slides

25 Oct

This PowerPoint how to video demonstrates adding animation to presentations. Animated objects, text and slides could make the presentation livelier. Improve …

Simple text intro with social network shapes.
Video Rating: 0 / 5


Taller de Motion Graphics (Campus Party 2007)

18 Jul

VĂ­deo realizado para el taller de Motion Graphics en la Campus Party realizado por


Motion Graphics Demo Reel – 2007

27 Feb

My motion graphics demo reel, updated for 2007. Currently available for freelance or fulltime work in the Los Angeles area. You can see my updated reel for 2010 here:


Steveo Motion Graphics Reel 2007

13 Jun

3 minute montage of Motion Graphics, Film titling, Music Videos, Advertising and Event Visuals. Steveo Creative is Steve Ogden, a California based freelance motion graphics director, designer, and animator. Steve Ogden was the primary designer and animator on the majority of this work, for full credits, see
Video Rating: 4 / 5

this is my motion grapjics show reel for 2006. more of mywork can be viewed at
Video Rating: 4 / 5