A Familiar Conversation

18 Jan

I am no longer interested in making runescape videos, you can now find MINECRAFT daily videos on my channel. The moving text took me all night. I wanted to cry. Synopsis: Wondered what kind of conversations you would have with familiars if they could talk? Well here are a few examples of what I think what happened. Even though they do kinda talk in game anyways, this is more varied and creative πŸ˜› Talking familiars aren’t original! Yes I know the idea isn’t original, just something I thought of and wanted to do… for fun. That word people forgotten lol. Video makers who made talking animals videos: Tehnoobshow, Hells Enemy1, Drmmerguy59, RunEToon, Deadl0x, Runet00b, 594Indiana and I’m sure a lot more people have too. The idea isn’t original, but enjoy the video, mk? πŸ˜€ Music used from Runescape and, and also from Regicidal “Yak City” as I’m sure a lot of you have heard it πŸ˜‰ Check it out! …after this video of course πŸ˜› The ANIMATION was created by Prezleek! He is amazing and I thank him so much for his hard work, go thank him! Slight update (If anyone reads this lol): Last week of University and I have work to do, then I start summer! πŸ˜€ So no videos until probably the end of May? Will keep you guys updated on Facebook/Twitter so make sure you like/follow at least one of them for news πŸ™‚ Disclaimer: RuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Ltd. These videos
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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